
Costumed Appearances

Special ideas for special occasions. Are you looking for something unusual for your annual staff outing, your class reunion, a visit from friends or relations, a birthday celebration, wedding or anniversary? Add spice to a themed tour with a surprise appearance from a historical figure in traditional costume.

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Klaus Mombrei

Mark Twain
America’s quintessential author describes with his unique blend of wit and fantasy his experiences in Heidelberg. A lively addition to the tour or event of your choice.
Available for booking in German and English.

Tel: 06221-603711


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Susanne Späinghaus

Prince Electress Elizabeth Stuart
Past times are brought to life when you meet Her Royal Highness Elizabeth Stuart, who as a young bride became the Prince Electress of Heidelberg. With a little imagination, you are transported to another age as you listen to skillfully told tales of her life. The princess would be happy to show you around the castle grounds that once were hers, or to enliven your event as a surprise guest. A lively addition to the tour or event of your choice.
Available for booking in German and English.

Lady in Waiting Elizabeth Apsley
And her Lady in Waiting will give you a look behind the scenes! A lively addition to the tour or event of your choice.
Available for booking in German and English.

Tel: 06221-163611


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Gabriele Gerigk

Those who dined at court could eat their fill, but many others had to live from hand to mouth. “Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot, nine days old” were spooned up from a common pot, right down to the last drop. A townswoman describes the everyday excitements of life in the Old Town. Or would you like to know about the Executioner’s Meal? The goodly wife knows – and tells – all! A lively addition to the tour or event of your choice.
Available for booking in German and English.

Tel: 06221-474414


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Francesca Blasetti

Prince Electress Anna Maria Luisa de’ Medici
Meet the last of the Medici! She’ll you all about her eventful life and the life at court of her time. A lively addition to the tour or event of your choice.

Available for booking in German, English, Italian and Spanish.

Tel:0170 94 288 28